Posts tagged models
To Reduce Homelessness, Change System Behavior

Too often, the results systems deliver are not what was intended. If we want our community systems to produce different results, we need to do something different. To create the change we want to see, we need to change the architecture of the health and human services system, refocus its purpose and align incentives around that purpose - and that starts with collaboration.

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How Neglect of Community Undermines Everything We Value

If a farmer does not improve the soil in which his or her crops grow, the harvest gets smaller every year. Rather than our enormously expensive, competitive, hierarchical model of healthcare, we must use the science of systems and the power of networks to collaboratively approach health – creating an ecosystem that creates real value, not just money.

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Network business models will revolutionize community health

Since the 1990s, the cost of medical care has seen the greatest rate of inflation across all sectors, suppressing wages and limiting economic growth. The system is an enormously complicated technical approach to a complex problem. But complicated is not complex, and only complexity can manage complexity; working harder at the old paradigm won’t yield a different outcome. It doesn’t need to be this way.

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