Posts in Shared Purpose
Restoring the Value of People

Our most urgent goal is to replace the justifiable anger permeating society with genuine opportunity for growth and success for the middle and lower economic classes. Authentic opportunity will restore hope and trust in each other and the communities we live within. Governmental policy supporting system-science-based local initiatives will make it easier to restore the American Dream and point the way to solving the rampant, systemic problems tearing the nation apart.

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To Reduce Homelessness, Change System Behavior

Too often, the results systems deliver are not what was intended. If we want our community systems to produce different results, we need to do something different. To create the change we want to see, we need to change the architecture of the health and human services system, refocus its purpose and align incentives around that purpose - and that starts with collaboration.

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One Child Shows Need to Rewire Our Future

Technology gives us the ability to change system behavior and align relationships around real value. We can tune human networks to create real opportunity for everyone, and in the process create a sustainable future.

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How Neglect of Community Undermines Everything We Value

If a farmer does not improve the soil in which his or her crops grow, the harvest gets smaller every year. Rather than our enormously expensive, competitive, hierarchical model of healthcare, we must use the science of systems and the power of networks to collaboratively approach health – creating an ecosystem that creates real value, not just money.

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Fostering Hope: Collective Impact Initiative Offers Lessons for Healthcare Industry

Driven by increasing needs and tighter funding, nonprofit agencies are formalizing their collaborator networks into collective impact initiatives to improve lives, strengthen communities and reduce the cost of care. This is the first of three articles exploring how one Marion County, Ore., group is approaching community health – and what the healthcare industry can learn from it.

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